What does the second lockdown mean for household staff?

Man overseeing child playing

It certainly has been a unique year and one that is unprecedented. This week, we will again see England locked down thanks to COVID-19, however, with a slightly different set of rules to the lockdown implemented in March. For household staff, nannies, chefs and more it can be hard to know what the new rules mean for your job. In this article, we explore how the rules may affect those working in private service.

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What does the second lockdown mean for nannies?

During the first lockdown, nannies who provided pre-paid childcare were advised that they could continue working and it appears this is the same during the second lockdown. The Gov site explains:

“Parents will still be able to access some registered childcare and other childcare activities (including wraparound care) where reasonably necessary to enable parents to work, or for the purposes of respite care.”

Alongside this, educational facilities will remain open in order to give children on-going access to much-needed education. While this is a step that was not taken in the first lockdown, it looks to minimise the potential harm done to children during the COVID-19 pandemic.

LEARN MORE: Nannies can work subject to guidelines says government

What does the second lockdown mean for household staff?

In regard to staff within other roles, it will have to be deemed how necessary your role is as to how you proceed. For many, this decision can be in the hands of the employer, however, everyone involved should have a fair say in what happens and do as much as possible to try and keep work going as both a benefit to the household and to keep staff in work.

If you live alone, you are able to form a support bubble with your employer meaning that you will be an extension of their household bubble. However, this does only apply to those living in a single-person household and your employer cannot have formed a support bubble with anyone else for this to meet the guidelines.

Alternatively, you could look to transfer to a live-in role for the lockdown period.

What does the second lockdown mean for live-in household staff?

For live-in household staff who live within the premises they work, you will be able to continue working on the property as you’ll be a part of your employers’ ‘bubble’. Because of this, normal lockdown restrictions will apply so you’ll only be able to leave the home when necessary.

We understand that for some staff, living-in may only mean Monday to Friday or on pre-determined nights and for people in that situation, we advise that you talk to your employer about making your living situation more consistent during lockdown and staying on-site if you are able. This way, you won’t be moving out of the bubble and will be able to continue working. These are certainly unprecedented times and although this may not be ideal, it can be the best way to move forward and ensure everyone benefits.

Here at Beauchamp Partners, we can help match household to staff on everything from nanny roles to live-in couples’ jobs. So, if you are looking for new employment or looking to utilise some help at home, there is no better place to start.

For more news, tips, and advice, make sure to visit our news page.

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