Nannies can work subject to guidelines says government

Nanny and children

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit, every area of UK life has been impacted, including nannies and childcare. Now, however, there is some light at the end of the tunnel thanks to new government guidelines.

The UK’s lockdown is very slowly starting to be lifted with one of the changes being that nannies and childminders can now work but only subject to guidelines.

The guidelines come via a newly released government document that states nannies and paid childcare professionals can resume work providing that the health guidelines can be met, such as limiting the number of people you come into contact with at work, ensuring that indoor places are well ventilated and that frequent cleaning takes place.

The document states: “The government is also amending its guidance to clarify that paid childcare, for example nannies and childminders, can take place subject to being able to meet the public health principles at Annex A, because these are roles where working from home is not possible. This should enable more working parents to return to work.”

Early years childcare will have to wait a little bit longer, however, as the government is planning a phased return for places such as nurseries – as well as some school year groups - from June at the earliest. This will depend on positive data regarding the coronavirus’ infection rate.

The government confirmed that childcare and nurseries, as well as schools (except for key workers), would have to close due to COVID-19 back in March.

Nannies and childminders are looking for further clarification on certain areas, however, as socially distancing children from different households will be a very difficult task for many.

However, the possibility of childcare resumption is certainly good news for those working as nannies and for families looking to employ household staff to look after their children.

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