Wellbeing for Household Staff

Woman relaxing reading and drinking coffee

Workplace wellbeing has been the hot topic for companies and HR departments for years and many workplaces are making strides in this area with flexible working, mental health initiatives and improvements in support and leave for parents but when you are employing someone in your home it can be difficult to manage wellbeing.

It can be difficult for those employing private staff within their homes when those they are relying on are away from their job. Mental health, stress and sickness can be a struggle for both employers and employees to manage but by supporting employee wellbeing the stress of absent staff can be dramatically reduced.

Things you can do as an employer

As an employer of private household staff (whether they are self-employed or employed) there are things you can do to help improve and maintain wellbeing.

  • Be flexible on working hours - you might require core hours such as around meal times but if you can offer some flexibility this can make a big difference.

  • Provide a private space for your team - providing a space away from their duties for breaks means that staff can properly switch off and have down time during their shifts.

  • Ensure breaks are being taken - it can sometimes difficult to keep track of time in a busy household. Ensure that proper breaks are being taken away from duties.

  • Provide good notice of additional guests or change in duties / hours - being able to plan and prepare in good time and prevent stress.

  • Open communication - setting good boundaries, outlining duties and communicating openly can prevent stressful environments.


There are a number of free resources to support employers with implementing wellbeing in the workplace.


We at Beauchamp Partners work to ensure that our clients get staff they can build long-term relationships with.

If you are interested in finding your own perfect match with a housekeeper, nanny, butler, chauffeur or private chef get in touch with us on 020 7259 6999 or email info@beauchamppartners.co.uk.

Debbie Gray