Reading With Children

children reading

Reading Aloud

The 2nd February 2022 is World Read Aloud Day, encouraging caregivers to read aloud with their children.

Reading with children is not only a wonderful past time but also has many benefits:

  • Faster development of communication skills

  • Faster development of basic speech skills

  • Enhanced concentration and discipline

  • Cultural understandings

  • Higher academic performance

  • Nurturing the caregiver and child bond

  • Conquering the fear of a classroom

  • Enhanced development of senses

Whether it is the parent or childcare provider, such as a nanny, reading books with children is not only a nice way to bond but can also provide other benefits such as reducing anxiety and bringing about a state of calm. In a 2009 study by the University of Sussex, it was found that reading can reduce stress levels up to 68% and although we are talking about reading with children, even they can be affected by stress.

Books to read

There are so many different genres, authors and themes for children’s books and new ones coming out all the time.

If you, or your nanny / au pair, wish to start reading new books with your children there are plenty of places to find the right books to read.

  • School Reading List provide lists for every age group including picture books for early years reading for under 5 year olds

  • Lit World (the creators of World Read Aloud Day) provide lots of resources for ideas for reading with children

  • The Books Trust offer lots of advice and tips for reading with children and an excellent book finder tool to help you find the right book for your child


Reading with children is something all caregivers should be doing but for parents with busy lives it can be hard to find a time where you can be calm and quiet and make it a specific activity. That is why it is a great activity for your nanny or au pair to do with children. Making it an important part of their daily ritual and instilling it as part of your family values will ensure that any childcare provider makes it a part of the children’s daily routine.

So today may be World Read Aloud Day, but with some of these resources it can become something that you can make part of your day to day and help your children become passionate about reading.

Debbie Gray