How to be a great chauffeur

Chauffeur driver

Want to know the difference between a good chauffeur and a great chauffeur? Want to know how to be the best of the best? If you are looking at entering the chauffeur industry or are just wanting to up your game, read on, as below we highlight what it takes to be a great chauffeur. It could be the difference between mediocrity and the success you are aspiring to.

Safe and smooth

You can have the friendliest demeanour and greatest knowledge of the roads but if you are not a safe driver, you won’t be doing your job as a chauffeur. The idea is to drop off your client in the same relaxed state as when you picked them up. Therefore, your journey with them should be smooth, calm, and safe at all times.

Be punctual

Never be late, ever. Do all that you can to make sure you are picking up your client on time as no one likes to be kept waiting. With good preparation, planning, and organisation, you can eliminate things that will keep you from being on time. This includes the journey itself. Your client might have a strict schedule to maintain, so make sure that you know the best routes to avoid delays.

People skills

The difference between you and the rest could be your personality. Clients want a driver who is friendly, relaxed, and pleasant to be around. The experience of being in the car with you is what they will remember. It’s not enough to drive from A to B. Of course, clients will not expect you to chat their ear off but having a pleasant demeanour and affable personality will go a long way.

Know when to talk

Following on from the above is the valuable instinct of knowing when to talk and when to keep quiet. It all depends on who the client is, their personality, and the situation. This is something that a great chauffeur must learn how to discern. There may be occasions when a comment or joke will be welcome and appreciated by the client. There may be times, however, when you should refrain from talking. It’s a fine balance but one that the best chauffeurs will master.

Good presentation

Good presentation goes a long way. Customers will expect you to turn up well-groomed and your car looking great. You can’t have one without the other. Both should go hand in hand. Don’t turn up with a gleaming vehicle but with a scruffy suit and dirty shoes. Practise great attention to detail, take pride in your appearance, and keep to the best standards of cleanliness.

Be discrete

The work of a chauffeur will see you driving all sorts of people, from celebrities to politicians and business leaders. As a result, it’s important that your clientele can trust that anything that is said in your care is in the strictest confidence. Avoid sharing who you have driven and where you have taken them. If a client feels like they can trust you, they will be more likely to work with you again and recommend you to others. Confidentiality goes a long way.

6 virtues of a great chauffeur

·       Safe and smooth

·       Be punctual

·       People skills

·       Know when to talk

·       Good presentation

·       Be discrete

These are just some of the key virtues of a great chauffeur. If you can make this part and parcel of your life on the job, then success won’t be far behind. If you are looking for your next gig, take a look at the top chauffeur jobs we currently have available.

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