Nanny reveals simple hack for crying babies

Nanny and baby

A nanny has revealed an amazing, simple hack for holding a baby that she says stops them crying every time.

We love our children, but parents, nannies, friends, and family have all endured the struggle of a baby that won’t stop crying at some point or another. No matter what you try to calm them down, nothing seems to work.

However, Abby Marie Larkins, a nanny known on TikTok as ‘abby_larkins’, has shared a very simple hack that has left viewers stunned by its effectiveness.

The nanny claims that her technique works every time so it’s surely worth putting into action next time the baby in your life gets upset.

In a video, Abby demonstrates her technique which is a simple hold, carrying the baby with her left hand between the baby’s legs and her right hand on their chest as the baby faces away from her. Abby then rocks the baby at an angle in a swaying motion

Abby says: “If they are fussy, hold them at this angle… They love it.”

In under twenty seconds, the baby she is holding stops crying, with its face going from bright red to very calm and relaxed. It’s clear from the video that this holding technique has an immediate effect on the baby.

You can see the video here.

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Abby’s hack has clearly proven to be popular, with the video reaching 1.4 million views, over 700 comments and 1,500 shares. Those in the comments have expressed their joy at learning this simple holding technique, with one person saying: “I used to do this with my daughter, she suffered with colic and it really helped her.”

When asked why babies react so positively to this technique, Abby responded: “It’s an angle they are almost never at so when they are in it they are like ‘oh ok what is this’.”

So, there you have it. A simple technique for calming down crying babies. It’s certainly worth a go at any rate. Perhaps this will be a great gift to the nanny community and parents everywhere. Both can definitely do with all the help they can get!

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