Ways to prepare the kids for the return to school

Child looking at pens with parent

With the children off on their summer holidays and taking a break from school before returning in September, now is a wise time to start thinking about the ways in which you can prepare children for their return to school in a new year group, or even at a new school.

Children may find returning to school a little daunting, especially after so many weeks away from the classroom, but there are a few things you can do to try and make the process a little less scary for them.

Help them buy new school supplies

One of the most exciting elements of returning to school for many, is the thought of new school supplies, whether that is stationary, a new bag or a new pair of shoes. Although these are often essential, allowing children to choose their new items will allow them to think about the return to school in a positive and happy way. Take them to buy a new backpack and let them pick their favourite, maybe treat them to some of the new pens they have always wanted or a bottle with their favourite TV character on it.

Ask them why they are excited to go back to school

Getting children talking is often one of the best ways to understand how they are feeling, so asking them to explain the reasons that they are excited to return to school, as opposed to why they are nervous is an easy way to get them to think about the return to school in a positive light.

Start getting back into a routine

Routine is a big thing, especially as September rolls around and the early mornings have to start again, so to make the process a little easier, try to introduce a bit of routine back into the mornings and evenings a couple of weeks before they return to school, this way they will (hopefully) be awake and ready in time when the first day comes around.

So, if you’re looking for ways to ease the kids back into school gently, then hopefully this guide has given you a few ideas.

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