Perfect indoor rainy-day activities

Kids playing with building blocks

As summer comes to an end and the rainy weather sets in and the days and nights get colder, it can be more difficult to keep the children occupied, especially when they can’t head into the garden and play for hours on end. In this guide, we take a look at some of the best activities to try and entertain the children on a rainy day, from fun den making to baking and film watching. Read on to find out more.

Build an indoor den

Building an indoor den is an activity all kids will love. Gather pillows, chairs and any other stable objects and cover them in bed sheets and blankets to create your very own indoor den. It is probably wise to check the stability of the structure before letting the kids in to play. Building and playing in a den will offer hours of fun and games and can be left built for the whole weekend.

Watch a film

It may sound simple, but sometimes letting the kids choose a film and allowing them to sit and immerse themselves in the story is a great way to keep them occupied. Arm them with some popcorn or their favourite crisps and sit back as they enjoy the movie.


A more hands-on activity that is great for a rainy day is baking. Kids love getting involved in baking and you can choose a recipe that is as easy or as hard as you like. Allow them to help mix, pour, and ice the cake or biscuits so they feel involved.

If you’re looking for a rainy-day idea for upcoming weekend activities, then hopefully this article has given you a little inspiration. Likewise, if you’re looking for a nanny agency in London to help you find a nanny, then get in touch with us at Beauchamp Partners.

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