Employing Someone to Work in Your Home: Your Responsibilities

Usually, you are considered to be the employer of a nanny, housekeeper, gardener or anyone else who works in your home if both:

  • You hire them

  • They’re not self-employed or paid through an agency

This means you have certain responsibilities, like meeting the employee’s rights and deducting the right tax..

There are special rules for au pairs, who are not usually considered workers or employees - They are not entitled to the National Minimum Wage or paid holidays; they’re treated as a member of the family they live with and get ‘pocket money’ instead - usually at least £90 a week.

You can NOT ask your employee to become self-employed! 

Tax and Employing People at Home

When employing people to work within your home, as stated above, you are required to pay tax. There is a checklist of things you must do to ensure you are doing this correctly:

  1. Check if the person is able to work within the UK.

  2. Make sure you have employers’ liability insurance.

  3. Register as an employer.

  4. Set up and run payroll! Or, you can pay somebody to do this on your behalf.. 

  5. Pay statutory benefits (maternity/paternity, sick pay etc)

  6. Deduct and pay the employee’s Income Tax & National Insurance contributions 

Employees Rights

Anybody you employ must:

  • Have an employment contract. -  Employees and employers must stick to a contract until it ends (for example, by an employer or employee giving notice or an employee being dismissed) or until the terms are changed (usually by agreement between the employee and employer).

  • Be provided with payslips - Employers can choose whether they provide printed or electronic (online) payslips. Payslips must be provided on or before payday.

  • Be paid at least the national minimum wage.

  • NOT work more than the maximum hours allowed per week.

If you’re looking for housekeeper jobs or nanny jobs, then look no further than Beauchamp Partners.

To talk to one of our team about hiring a member of private or domestic staff for your home contact us on +44 (0) 20 7259 6999 or email info@beauchamppartners.co.uk

Debbie Gray