The benefits of hiring private staff

A recent survey by Indeed has found that 52% of employees have experienced burnout, with it only likely to get worse after months of living and working at home. There are limited fixes for the forced home-schooling and working at home with your partner that a lot of the country has had thrust upon them, but there is something that can make it all a little bit easier… Hiring household staff. 

Find More Time

According to a report by Airtasker, the average Brit spends a whopping 208 hours a year doing household chores, that doesn’t include time spent caring for children. Add in working, commuting and all the other things inbetween, this doesn’t leave a lot of time for socialising and all important self-care. 

What would you do if you got 208 hours back a year?

Hiring the Right People

Thinking you might need some help but not sure who you need? The first thing to do is to write down all the tasks in your day that you find take away from being productive. This might be cooking dinner, food shopping, taking children to and from school/clubs, cleaning or gardening. 

If it’s not obvious what help you might need then it’s time to get in touch with an expert.

Employing the Experts

At Beauchamp Partners we decipher clients’ briefs to find the person (or people) best matched to your needs. We have an extensive pool of experienced and qualified candidates that range from chefs, housekeepers, nannies, security managers, drivers and everything in between. There is no brief we are unable to fulfill and we work tirelessly to ensure that we match the perfect clients and candidates. 

By employing a team such as Beauchamp Partners you can guarantee that your staff is of the highest calibre and the added security that we have done all the checks and references for you. 

For more information on how we can work with you to help find you the perfect match call us on +44(0) 207 529 6999 or email us at