Tips for keeping kids cool at night

Tips for keeping children cool at night

The UK has been going through a heatwave and with record-breaking night-time temperatures of over 25°C in some areas of the country, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that many of us have been finding it difficult to sleep.

As a nanny agency in London we know that it can be difficult for parents and nannies alike to get children to sleep during hot spells of weather and to ensure they don’t overheat at night-time.

With more hot weather expected over the rest of the summer, an article on The Metro has shared some tips from experts to help children sleep better during a heatwave and we’ve picked some of the top recommendations below.

The best tips for keeping kids cool at night

·       Pre-bedtime routines

·       Cooler baths and water play before bed

·       Keep a child’s bedroom temperature cool

·       Wear appropriate nightwear

·       Other tips to help a child settle

Pre-bedtime routines

Child playing with water

Georgina Durrant, author of 100 Ways You Child Can Learn Through Play, recommends adapting the normal bedtime routine you have for your children and having a cooldown period is a good idea.

“Try to limit any strenuous activity before bedtime, no running around, encourage calming, quiet activities such as looking at books and playing with toys.

“If it’s cooler outside and your child still uses a buggy, try a ‘pyjama walk’ before you do bedtime – pop them in their summer PJs or a vest and take them for a walk in their pram to cool off and calm before trying bedtime.”

Cooler baths and water play before bed

Playing with water is a great sensory feeling for babies and children and enjoying a cooler, but not cold bath, can also be helpful just before bed.

Having a cool bath or even just having a bowl of water with their toys in it and letting them play and splash about for a few minutes can be a nice option.

Keep a child’s bedroom temperature cool

Ways to keep a bedroom cool

Keeping a baby’s or child’s bedroom cool is vital for a good night’s sleep and one of the best ways to keep a bedroom cooler is to close curtains and blinds during the day as this will help block out the sun. If you add a fan into the room, it will help to keep the bedroom cool at night as well.

Opening a child’s bedroom window can help bring a breeze through the room, but if you have small children, you should only keep windows slightly ajar but locked in place so they can’t be opened any further. Then the nanny or parents can close the window when they go to bed.

Wear appropriate nightwear

Wearing appropriate night-time attire can also help a child or baby to stay cool during a warm night. If temperatures are above 26°C, a baby can wear just a vest and nappy and just have a thin blanket that is appropriate for the hot weather.

In the article, Baby Centre shares information about the type of tog blanket you should use:

·       If the temperature is over 26°C, they should sleep in just a vest

·       Between 24 and 25°C, a vest and a light blanket or sleeping bag with a tog of 0.5

·       If it’s between 22 and 23°C, a vest alongside a sleeping bag or blanket with a tog of 1 will suffice

·       If it’s between 18 and 21°C, add a sleepsuit to the vest and 1 tog sleeping blanket.

Other tips to help a child settle

Some other recommendations that you could try to help a child settle at night when it is hot are:

·       Fill a hot water bottle with cold water or ice cubes to cool down a child’s mattress

·       Let a child go to bed a bit later as it is slightly cooler

From cool baths to appropriate nightwear, these are just some tips you should consider to keep a child or baby cool during a spell of hot weather.

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