Travelling With Your Family

Working in a private household is a privileged and important role and with it can come a great number of benefits, one being the opportunity to travel. Many nannies, butlers and other private staff are asked to accompany their employers to warmer (and colder) climes which is something many dream of doing. 

There are some things you might want to consider when asked to pack your bags and jet away. As with all private household work it is important to set some ground rules as working hours can easily get muddled and you may find yourself working more than you would at home. Here are some things to consider and discuss with your employer before you go:

  • Confirm that your travel, food and accommodation is being provided and paid for by your employer (this should be the case)

  • Salary – this should be, at the minimum, the same as you would be getting when at home, with additional hours paid for at an agreed hourly rate, which may also include a set overnight rate

  • Establish your working hours while away from home

  • At the same time, establish your entitlement to time off – you cannot be on duty 24/7 for the whole time you are away - you will need a break in the day, and you should establish how many evenings off you can have off

  • If you are a nanny, establish who is responsible for the children overnight – remember to factor in that if there is a baby, and you are the one to get up at night you cannot then be expected to get the Baby / any other children up for Breakfast too!

  • If you are a nanny, you need to know details of the type of accommodation available – will you be expected to share with children? If yes, if in your Holiday home or Villa, do you have some kind of sitting room available? Or if in a hotel, will you be allowed downstairs with a baby monitor, or will you need to stay in the Hotel room?

  • Establish whether you will have to pay for your own Travel insurance, or are you covered under your employer’s Policy.

  • Are there any additional duties you are required to do over and above what you normally do as part of your daily routine? N.B. If driving to shops / beaches / supermarkets is required, you will need the correct permits etc!

It’s all easily sorted and agreed but the last thing you want is to get expectations crossed when everyone is trying to have a nice time and relax. 

Lastly, if you are expected to travel as part of your role when you take the job, try and get something written in your contract - then it is clear for everyone. 

For private staff job where you may get the chance to travel and work with distinguished families, register with Beauchamp Partners