Should schools retain online parents' evenings?

Children holding hands with adult

With children now back to school full time and coronavirus restrictions eased, a common question among parents and the school teachers is should external meetings and school evenings still be hosted from home rather than on school premises. A recent article by BBC News looks into this topic a little further and some of the reasons parents are keen to keep this system in place.

Flexible appointments

Not only does home parents evening avoid any unnecessary contact with other parents and school children, but it is also a great way for those parents who don’t live together anymore to both join the call without having to meet in person.

Online services

There are so many online services that can provide the software to allow online parents evening without the need for face-to-face appointments, sites like Zoom, SchoolCloud and many more. These online services allow parents and teachers to talk efficiently from the comfort of their own homes.

Covid restrictions

Although covid restrictions have eased, they are still a risk, so having these evenings from home can stop the spread and any unnecessary contact with other families and teachers. The online system also allows single parents who don’t live together to enjoy the session without having to be in the same household.

Parents evenings are often a time spent at school surrounded by other students, but these new systems are proving popular and are potentially going to be the new normal moving forward. These new processes are also beneficial for those who have private household staff, as the children are not necessarily entitled to join the call or session and will require a guardian for the meetings.

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