Tips for Christmas Eve with children

Nanny and child wrapping Christmas presents

Christmas is right around the corner and for those of us looking after children this festive period, it’s no small feat keeping them entertained. Christmas Eve is a truly lovely day of the year and especially exciting for young children and if you have some in your care this year, this guide offers a few fun suggestions for how to spend this special day and to get ready for the real Christmas celebrations on the 25th. So, if you are a nanny on a family’s household staff, consider some of the below options for a magical Christmas Eve with children.

Make a gingerbread house

Making gingerbread can be a wonderful activity to enjoy on Christmas Eve. Kids will love getting involved with the construction of the house, putting on the icing, creating shapes, sticking on sweets, and of course, eating the tasty gingerbread afterwards! You don’t even have to be amazing at baking as there are lots of gingerbread house kits you can buy for something a little more straightforward. There is also this BBC recipe you can follow.

READ ALSO: 5 child-friendly Christmas bakes

Watch a Christmas movie

What’s a better way to get into the festive feeling than with a good old Christmas movie? Snuggle up with the kids on the sofa, with the tree all lit up, and put on something to get those good feelings rolling. Perhaps present the children with a few options to choose from and to prevent any squabbling, let them pick one movie each (depending on how many little ones are in your care of course).

Wrap some presents

Why not spend an hour or two doing a bit of Christmas present wrapping with the kids? Perhaps you can help them wrap their parents’ gifts or maybe their siblings. They will need varying degrees of help depending on their age of course but wrapping presents is a great shortcut to getting into the festive mood and with a bit of Christmas music playing in the background, it can be a lovely way to help the kids prepare for the big day to come.

Admire some Christmas lights

If it’s safe and suitable to do so, you could consider taking the kids outside to enjoy some of the local Christmas lights. If the neighbours have some great lights set up or if the local high street has a pretty display, take the kids along either on foot or in the car. The little ones will love seeing some of the more impressive displays, especially if their home has been a bit conservative this year with the decorations.

Take the kids to a nativity or carol service

What better way to spend Christmas Eve and anticipate Christmas Day than by taking the kids along to a local nativity scene, performance, or carol service. You don’t have to be religious to enjoy the occasion, they are heart-warming spectacles filled with hope, love, and great music. Plus, it’s a chance to remind the kids about the origin of the holiday and why we celebrate it.

Things to do with children on Christmas Eve

·       Make a gingerbread house

·       Watch a Christmas movie

·       Wrap some presents

·       Admire some Christmas lights

·       Take the kids to a nativity or carol service

By opting for one or two of the above activities, you and the kids in your care will be quickly in the Christmas mood, building excitement for Christmas Day while spending quality time together.

For more tips, news, and advice, make sure to visit our news page.

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