Eco-Friendly Housekeeping

Climate change is hitting the news more and more and with a new report released on the scientific impact it may have on our future it is now we are starting to look at ways to do our part.

Housekeepers can have a huge impact on the environmental impact their households have by moving to greener products. With plenty of new products available out there that not only make a difference to our impact but are also GOOD at doing what they are made for there is no better time to consider switching to greener, cleaner cleaning products.

With increasing numbers of manufacturers entering the eco-conscious cleaning scene, natural products are now more competitively priced to their conventional chemical-laden counterparts, and in some cases even cheaper. Most importantly, they are a lot less harmful to you and the families you care for. They don’t contain toxic elements such as phosphates, ammonia, acids, bleach, artificial colouring or fragrances that can be harmful to the lungs and skin. Symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, rashes and headaches frequently disappear once you stop using toxic cleaning chemicals.

It’s the Little Things

It’s not only making a switch to different cleaning products that can help make a difference. Below are some tips and tricks to make the most of being more environmentally friendly:

  • Use less: it is easy to over-estimate the volume of cleaning product to use, which can be wasteful. By using less, we can balance out any potentially extra cost of ‘green’ cleaners.

  • Use concentrate and dilute: Buy concentrated eco-cleaners and dilute them. Not only will this be cheaper, but you reduce packaging waste as well.

  • Make your own cleaning agents: home-made cleaners, such as vinegar and baking soda can be very effective at getting the job done. Here are some of the most popular ones:

    Bicarbonate of soda (aka baking soda)
    Baking soda is used to deodorise and remove dirt and stains from sinks, toilets, baths, hobs, and ovens. It can also remove fridge smells, and is a great odour-eliminator for your carpet.

    White vinegar
    A great multi-purpose cleaner that is very effective at removing stains, grease, dirt, odours and mildew. It is an effective replacement for traditional mould and limescale removers, and is great at cleaning windows, amongst many other applications.

    Castile soap
    Another very versatile all-purpose cleaning product, it can be used as laundry detergent, washing up liquid, floor cleaner and even shampoo.

    Lemon juice
    A very strong acid, lemon juice helps to fight against bacteria, eradicate stains and keep whites looking white.

    Soap nuts
    These produce a natural soap, called saponin, which acts as a surfactant, removing grime when mixed with water. They have the added advantage of being anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial.

    Olive oil
    This works particularly well for polishing furniture.


We do recommend getting the approval of the homeowner before making any changes to your cleaning routine as a housekeeper but even the smallest of changes can make a difference!

For all queries to find an exceptional housekeeper please contact us on 020 7259 6999 or email us on

Debbie Gray