How to keep children entertained during the holidays

Kids playing with a nanny

Knowing how to keep children occupied during the summer holidays can be tricky, even with the help of a nanny agency in London. A recent article by Family Lives goes into a little more detail about how you can keep the little ones occupied over the 6 weeks before their return to school in September.

Read on to find out what tips they recommend and how you or your nanny can put these into practice in your home over the next few weeks.

Going out and about

Going out and about is a great way to keep the kid’s minds occupied as well as offering them a bit of exercise and fresh air. The article recommends looking at what may be going on in your local area and checking with your local council to see what is on over the coming weeks.

“During the school holidays, there may be lots going on in your local area that your family can enjoy, often for free. Check the websites of your local council and tourist information centres for local days out, or scan the local papers and community centres to see what's going on in your area.”

Staying at home

Similarly, staying at home can be equally stimulating for kids and there are plenty of options if the weather is looking a little miserable. Some of the activities that can be enjoyed in the home include:

·       A movie day/evening

·       Cooking/baking

·       Dress up

·       Enjoy a magic show

·       Build a den

·       Start a scrapbook

The great outdoors

Although we have already mentioned going outdoors and enjoying some fresh air, you don’t necessarily need to leave the home to enjoy the outdoors. There are some great activities the kids can enjoy in the garden or nearest outdoor space:

·       Treasure hunt

·       Hold a sports day

·       Go for a walk

·       Enjoy camping in the garden

·       Fly a kite

Making your own fun

Getting creative in the house and making your own fun can be a lovely and rewarding way to keep the kids occupied, why not try arts and crafts, board or card games, origami or drawing sessions, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re struggling to find ways to keep the kids occupied or you want to give some recommendations to your nanny, then hopefully some of these will come in useful.

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