Tips for getting children exam ready

Exam season tips for teenagers

GCSE season is now upon us and with A/S and A-Levels just around the corner, everyone knows that tensions can run high during this time of the year, especially the night before an exam as nerves begin to set in.

According to an article in The Sun, there was a study conducted by My Tutor which reveals that 42% of parents picked up on their children being the most stressed they have ever seen them during exam season.

No matter whether you are working as household staff for a family that has children doing their exams now, or are a parent, there are some tips and tricks that students can do before an exam. Read on for six tips to get children exam ready the night before their test.

Brain food

Teens might be nervous about their exam tomorrow, but it is vital that they eat something healthy and nutritious the day before their exam.

If they’d prefer not to eat a big meal, then you can suggest they eat some healthy snacks instead, which can include things like fruit skewers, carrots and hummus.

Pack early

The last thing a teenager needs is to be frazzled the morning of their exam and forget to pack something. That is why it is a good idea to get them to pack and organise themselves the night before.

This could start by getting them to make a list of items they need to pack and then pack the items they need. It of course depends on the topic of the exam, but essentials that need to be packed include pens, rulers, calculators, water bottles and some snacks.

Switch off with a gentle distraction

Watching TV can help teenagers relax after studying

Although a teen might have their head in a book revising the night before an exam it is also vital that they switch off and relax.

My Tutor says you should suggest watching their favourite TV show/film together or getting them to relax in a warm bath.


Another exam season tip is to encourage teenagers ahead of their exams and to support them. Saying that you are proud of all the work and effort they are putting in can really benefit a child.

According to the article in The Sun, the most important thing to say to teenagers the night before their exam is that whatever the outcome, they should be happy with what they have achieved.

Get a good night’s sleep

Sleep is important during exam season

One of the most important things to get children exam ready is to ensure they get a good night’s sleep. This is especially important the night before an exam.

Trying to get a teenager to avoid using their phone or a computer an hour before they go to bed will help them switch off. Suggesting listening to a podcast or even doing some yoga or meditation can help.

Ensure you are relaxed

If you have been employed by a nanny agency and are helping a child to revise or you are a parent, it is important not to forget about yourself.

After all, a teen will be able to pick up on your own anxiety unless you also take time to relax. By looking after yourself and keeping your stress levels low, it will only benefit the teen who is revising.

These are just some of the things to consider when getting children and teens ready for their exams. To recap, we’ve made a list of the main tips you need to think about to get children exam ready:

·       Brain food

·       Pack early

·       Switch off with a gentle distraction

·       Encourage

·       Get a good night’s sleep

·       Ensure you are relaxed

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