Tips for helping kids to enjoy the outdoors

Girl picking flowers

Spending time outdoors, getting fresh air, and taking in the sun can be good for all of us, regardless of age. But it’s certainly something that we should be encouraging our children to do. In today’s age, spending all day in front of a computer screen is particularly prevalent, and as a result, convincing the kids to go outdoors can be a challenge. To help those nannies and household staff in the task of getting the kids in their care outside for a while, we have put together a few simple tips to try.  

Link their interests with the outdoors

Whatever the child’s interest may be, try and help them see a way that they can enjoy that interest outdoors. For example, if they like to read, suggest reading outside. If they are interested in animals, suggest a trip to a nature park or wildlife reserve. Are they interested in being creative? Set up a space for them to enjoy art and make things in the garden. Children won’t necessarily be interested in the same outdoor activities as you are so finding ways to bring their interests outside will be a big help.

Go outside with them

If you are telling the child in your care to go outside and amuse themselves alone, it’s hardly surprising that they are turning their noses up at the idea. Instead, go outside with them and enjoy an activity together. Arrange a trip to somewhere they find fun, kick a football about, or play games like hide and seek. Speak to them about what they would like to do and have some suggestions ready in case they can’t think of something. Whatever you do, don’t make being outside seem like a chore or punishment.

Invite friends

Another helpful approach is to invite their friends to enjoy the outdoors with them. Arrange for a trip to the park by speaking to the parents of the friends, plan a bike ride, or perhaps a day out to an attraction. Everything will sound more appealing to the child if their friends can be involved. Even something like a walk in the woods that they would normally avoid, can sound fun to them if they can enjoy it with a friend their own age. As a nanny or childminder, just make sure you speak to the parents involved and plan a few dates in the calendar.

Provide variation

If being outside seems repetitive and monotonous to the child, they aren’t going to be very enthused about the idea. So, try to avoid the same old activities and provide plenty of options for ways they can enjoy the outdoors. Make sure there are lots of outdoor toys available, plenty of games ready to go, and have a list of excursions in mind to suggest when needed. Make it impossible for them to say “there’s nothing to do” when you suggest going outside. From water guns to badminton kits, have it ready and waiting to be played with.

Tips for helping kids to enjoy the outdoors

·       Link their interests with the outdoors

·       Go outside with them

·       Invite friends

·       Provide variation

These are just a few different tips for encouraging children to embrace the outdoors. With a little planning, creativity, and a willingness to get stuck in yourself, you can soon get the kids out of the house and enjoying some fresh air.

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