How to keep children warm in cold weather

Child sticking tongue out in snow

The temperature of the UK has suddenly plummeted, with snow and ice covering most of the country. Are your little ones feeling the effects of this change in weather? Read on to discover some top tips for keeping children warm in cold weather.

Dress them up in layers so that they can adjust easily

Layers are essential for keeping warm, especially when children might be inside and outside during the day, as it allows them to adjust quickly to temperature changes. Whether they’ve just had a particularly vigorous play break and have worked up a sweat, so need to take a layer off, or want to add a layer before going outside, making sure they are equipped with options can make dealing with the weather much more effortless.

Ensure their outer layer is water-resistant and windproof

Especially important if you’re planning on spending a longer period outdoors is ensuring that their outer layer is water-resistant and windproof. Whether it’s lashing winds or a sudden flurry of snow, the weather will impact your body temperature the fastest, so making sure that children are protected from it is essential. As well as coats, you can look at snowsuits for total protection, perfect for smaller children who won’t be able to resist the lure of running through freshly fallen snow.

Make sure they’re eating and drinking enough

It may not be something that comes to mind when considering keeping children warm but ensuring they’re eating and drinking properly is essential. Our bodies generate heat by “burning fuel”; this fuel comes in the form of calories. By ensuring that your child is eating and drinking a proper amount, you are giving their bodies a chance to work properly. Opt for high-calorie food options when it’s cold, and try to avoid sugary or high-fat snacks that aren’t as nutritious.

Cover their heads, hands, and feet

There are three main points on our bodies that need to be covered to help keep us warm: our heads, hands and feet. There are areas where heat is most easily lost, so keeping them protected is essential to trapping that heat in. Making sure you opt for a good quality hat, some thick socks and a hardy pair of gloves for time spent outside is a must. And, as we know, children and incredibly tactile, so it can be worth packing some backup gloves just in case your first pair get wet.

How to keep children warm in the cold weather

  • Dress them up in layers so that they can adjust easily

  • Ensure their outer layer is water-resistant and windproof

  • Make sure they’re eating and drinking enough

  • Cover their heads, hands, and feet

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