How Employers Can Reduce Workplace Stress

Being under temporary pressure is not a feeling unfamiliar to most, but becoming overwhelmed by stress can lead to burnout (a state of chronic stress). If ignored, burnout can give rise to both mental and physical symptoms - anxiety, depression, headaches, backache and insomnia…

Burnout employees are not able to perform their tasks and responsibilities to the best of their capabilities. 

Encourage employee health and wellbeing

Employee wellbeing is an ongoing commitment and long-term undertaking that requires a multi-pronged approach, in order to ensure you are catering to as many differing needs at once.

You can’t force anyone’s hand when it comes to engaging with wellbeing initiatives, but a conscientious employer will simply provide the means for their employees’ self-betterment (and, make a point to remind them of the resources available to them!).
But how do you approach implementing resources designed to help with employee health and wellbeing? Consider the following…

Build Connections with Team Members

Building rapport with the people you have employed to work within your home is one of the most effective ways of ensuring the team members do not feel isolated. It’s also a great way to ensure that any issues are reported back to you, with immediate effect. 

The value of strong professional bonds are often underestimated, with people seeing a clear cut line between ‘work friends’ and ‘real friends’.

Our top 3 tips for building a connection with team members:

  1. Create opportunities for interaction. While a great private staff member should know their duties and responsibilities, it is always nice to have a small, friendly conversation now and again. Flowing communication makes everything run just that bit smoother!

  2. Keep values front and centre. Find ways to help your employees understand, remember, and practise your core values.

  3. Keep everyone informed & be transparent. Knowledge is power!

Offer Mental and Physical Health Benefits

If your employees are feeling profound effects of stress, it’s likely that their mental and physical health will suffer as well. Providing a safety net to address those problems will help the overall health of your employees and of your organisation.

Providing your staff with dental and optical insurance is a great way to ensure their health remains great, and is also an affordable employee benefit to provide. 

Typically, corporate dental insurance reimburses the cost of routine NHS treatments like examinations, hygienists, fillings, crowns etc. as well as injuries and accidents - anywhere in the world and up to a set limit. It can also contribute towards the cost of more expensive treatments such as implants and child orthodontics. Dental insurance also pays towards the cost of private treatment – again up to a set limit. 

Optical insurance helps pay for eye tests, glasses and contact lenses, and often pays out a lump sum in the event of accidental and permanent sight loss. Cover for both can normally be extended to cover family members.

If you’ve employed a Nanny who has the responsibility of ensuring the little ones arrive on time, then consider providing car allowance. A car allowance means that an employee gets an extra payment to allow them to buy a car for their work. Some employers give a mileage allowance, which means an employee gets a certain amount for each mile driven on company business. Or you may favour the more traditional car scheme, in which you’d provide an employee with a car.

If you’re looking for housekeeper jobs or nanny jobs, then look no further than Beauchamp Partners.

To talk to one of our team about hiring a member of private or domestic staff for your home contact us on +44 (0) 20 7259 6999 or email

Debbie Gray