Travelling with your staff

If you travel regularly, having your private staff travel with you is a huge advantage and many staff are happy to do so (who wouldn’t want to travel for work?!).

There are some things you might want to consider when bringing your staff with you. As with all employees who travel for work it is important to set some ground rules as boundaries can get blurred when away from your normal home or office. Here are some things to consider and discuss with your employee before you go:

  • Confirm with your staff what food and accommodation is being provided and what will not be provided or paid for by you

  • Salary – agree what rate any additional hours will be paid at (take into account overnight rates if needed)

  • Establish the working hours (and time off for your staff) while away

  • If you have a nanny, establish who is responsible for the children overnight 

  • If you have a nanny what are the expectations surrounding sleeping arrangements and where they will be expected to be to look after the children i.e. in a hotel, will they be allowed downstairs with a baby monitor, or will they need to stay in the Hotel room?

  • Establish whether you expect them to pay for their own Travel insurance, or are you covered under your Policy?

  • Are there any additional duties you require your staff to do over and above what they normally do as part of their daily routine? N.B. If driving to shops / beaches / supermarkets is required, they will need the correct permits etc!

It’s all easily sorted and agreed but the last thing you want is to get expectations crossed when everyone is trying to have a nice time and relax. 

To fulfill your private staff needs contact us at Beauchamp Partners +44(0)20 7259 6999 or

Debbie Gray